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On Feeling Like an Impostor

So many times, very intelligent and bright people in graduate school and academia are said to suffer from “impostor syndrome.” This is the feeling that no matter how successful one appears to the outside world, no matter how many accomplishments one has on his or her resume, that he or she is going to be “found …

jasper alina kevin niklas write on chalkboard

What’s in a Name?

Ah…names…are we our names? I’ve been going through what a philosopher of language might call an “identity crisis.” I’m trying to figure out what my name should be and whether I should undergo a name change. That might seem funny to many people, but here’s the problem: I started my business as one name, changed …

person in black pants lying on brown cardboard boxes

On Being Outside the Box

The interesting thing about going your own way and finding your own path is that certain people feel the need to comment on it. It really doesn’t bother me anymore when people make comments about the fact that I’ve chosen to homeschool my son, and I’ve gotten used to some people being weirded out by …

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All the Country’s Debt

Okay, so…what happens when average Joe the Plumber – the sort of American Obama wanted to help – defaults on a loan? If the loan was for a house, then the bank takes the house. If the loan was on a car, then the bank takes the car. If it was a credit card or …

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Casey Anthony Who?

Theme Song: “Lump” Presidents of the United States of America Projects: Too many to name, but happy to have them! So, after much curiosity after seeing this name all over the place, I decided to find out who Casey Anthony is. Allegedly, she killed her daughter and tried to cover it up. No matter what …