pile of covered books

Event of Interest: Protest in Detroit over Black History Book Dumping

It’s never a good thing when books are burned, but what about when books are dumped out of a school district’s collection? In a city neighboring Detroit, recently, there were protests sparked over the dumping of Black History books. Evidently, a Detroit-area school district dumped thousands of historic works – more than 10,000 volumes that covered Black …

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Event of interest: Disabled Girl Denied Access to Museum in Savannah, GA

On a recent visit to the Ship of the Sea Maritime Museum, an 11-year old girl was denied access because the docent surmised that her wheelchair would dirty the carpets. You can certainly understand the outrage of the family who visited this Savannah, Georgia museum. The girl’s family did receive an apology letter, which they posted here on Facebook. The …

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Get Involved: Petitions – Starbucks: Change from Plastic to Biodegradable

I love my coffee fix as much as the next person, but what I don’t love is the amount of waste grabbing coffee on a daily basis creates. Sure, I try to remember to bring my reusable travel mugs, however, sometimes I forget and I’m burdened with the guilt that I’m contributing to the large …

person demonstrating carton with slogan silence allows violence

Activism Around the Web: Saturday, March 30, 2013

While you’re figuring out what you’d like to do, here are some of the topics for this past week. The marriage equality debate had people changing their Facebook profile pictures, GMOs get a leg up in legislation, and more. The Supreme Court has been discussing marriage equality and whether or not California’s Proposition 8 and DOMA are …

positive black kids on town street

Success Story: T. Jackson Kaguri and the Nyaka AIDS Foundation

It’s always an inspiration when someone overcomes extreme adversity to go on to be successful and help others who are struggling. When I had the amazing opportunity to talk to T. Jackson Kaguri for Equanimity, I realized that I was talking to an inspiring individual – Fall edition 2012, pages 54-56. Kaguri grew up in Uganda. He was lucky …

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Domestic Violence: Some National Organizations to Start With

Every nine seconds, a woman in the U.S. is beaten or assaulted. This is a staggering statistic, and while some men are victims of abuse, statistics show that one in three women, around the world, will be beaten, raped, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. (Domestic Violence Statistics) Fortunately, there are many ways to get …

men playing basketball in a court

Special Olympics

Prior to Special Olympics, individuals with intellectual disabilities were treated very differently than they are now. While there is still a lot of work to do in order to help empower those who are differently-abled, this amazing organization has made great strides in helping increase awareness and empower individuals. Eunice Kennedy Shriver saw that there was a …