
Happy New Year! It’s 2022.

Happy New Year 2022 isn’t getting off to the best start with all the COVID cases, but let’s hope that things get better quickly. I wound up falling asleep last night after we watched the PBS Kids countdown. I had a snuggly baby on my lap, and she fell asleep and I was just so warm and cozy, I couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough to watch Death to 2021 with my husband.

There are two things I wanted to post about today outside of wishing my dear readers a Happy New Year – first, for the next thirty-one days, I’ll be participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and posting at least once each day (I also have reviews to do, and some guest posts that will go up – but they’re not part of the challenge).

Second, I want to talk about my word of the year.


My word of the new year for 2022 is “organize.” Last year, my word was “simplify.” For this year, I will organize – organize my home, organize my finances, organize homeschooling, organize Girl Scouts, organize digitally, etc. I feel like the last two years of the pandemic have really been rough, and everything is off-balance. So for this year, I really want to focus on getting things back in order and organized.

I’ve been slowly getting our house back in order – and as always, there’s more to do, but I feel like solid progress has been made. I’m really looking forward to sharing the method that’s been working well for me. I’ve done a combination of following Clean Mama’s routine and creating “zones” in my house.

Next up for organization: our main closet and then the kids’ playroom. The toys are everywhere, and with 4 kids ages 8 and under still at home… well you can imagine the chaos.

I also feel like for the first time in a long time we’re finally on top of our finances, but that can definitely use some tweaking.

Did You Choose a Word for the New Year 2022?

If you chose a word for this next year, please share it in the comments! I love seeing the words others choose to commemorate the intentions they want to carry through in the new year.

Ronda Bowen

Ronda Bowen is a writer, editor, and independent scholar. She has a Master of Arts in Philosophy from Northern Illinois University and a B.A. in Philosophy, Pre-Graduate Option, Honors in the Major from California State University, Chico. When she is not working on client projects from her editorial consulting business, she is writing a novel. In her free time, she enjoys gourmet cooking, wine, martinis, copious amounts of coffee, reading, watching movies, sewing, crocheting, crafts, hanging out with her husband, and spending time with their teenage son and infant daughter.

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  1. Happy new year, Ronda. Pleased to meet you. Organize is always a goal of mine. My word this year is FOCUS. I feel if I have that, it will help me to organize and everything else.

    1. Yes! Focus is a really great word!

  2. I hope all of your organizing efforts bring you lots of joy and productivity in 2022!

  3. Happy New Year! My word is courage but organize is a second tier word for this year. I have to hit every room in the house at some pont! There’s lots to do!

    1. There’s always lots to do! I still have boxes to unpack from when we moved in here 6 years ago in March! It’s time to have everything in order and to do some *serious* destashing/purging of things.

  4. Organize is a good word to have for the year. There are so many advantages of being organized and you’ll have more time for you and living a more intentional life. It’s about clearing space for what matters most.

    1. YES! I want to have more time to do the things I love without feeling like I’m forgetting something/need to be doing other things.

  5. Happy New Year, Ronda.

    I’m a super organized person, it comes naturally to me and simplifies my life. That doesn’t mean I don’t encounter areas that overwhelm me, lol.

    That said, I don’t consciously select a word of the year, but simplicity is always there and is actually the tag line of my biz – ‘Simplify your online biz.

    1. Hah! Nice. Yes, I have a tendency to want to complicate everything. So glad you stopped by!

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