Wear to Where? Fashion & Sewing Tour: Touring Your City

So there I was, hanging out on Facebook, when I saw this call for participants in an intriguing-sounding blog tour. The fabulous Katy McKinley of Wild & Wanderful and Angelica Ross of Gardening in High Heels came up with the idea to have a series of posts written by sewists and fashion bloggers dedicated to suggestions of …

So Much Snark: McCall’s and Vogue Have Early Fall Collections Out

Oh boy, so I still have a LOT of unpacking to do before I can sew again. But we’re here; we’re in Wichita (just in time for some street flooding, which we avoided, but still! Hello Rain!), and mid-moving, McCall’s and Vogue came out with stuff for fall. I couldn’t let this release go without …